Dr. Marcus Trunk - professional experience

Welcome to the Budapest Neutron Center’s webinar #5 of the series on science and technology related to renewable energy.

Our lecturer today is Dr. Markus Trunk, from the Physics Department of TU Munich. He has been a student at TUM Physics in his entire undergraduate and post graduate education. He is currently a postdoc in the PGAA group of FRM2 where he has spent 3 years as a student worker and gained insight into nuclear analytical methods. His BS degree is from the Walter Schottky Institute (Garching), his Masters Degree is from TUM Physik (supervisor: Peter Müller-Buschbaum) and his PhD is also from TUM Physik (supervisor: Bastian Märkisch). Marcus participated in a BMBF project to develop the Neutron Depth Profiling (NDP) from an experiment into an instrument. He spent 2 weeks at NIST (Gaithersburgh, USA) to study NDP. NDP is traditionally used as a relative analytical method. The calculation developed by him, is a significant step towards making it absolute, i.e. to get a real depth profile as a result. He defended his PhD theses a few weeks ago with a summa cum laude grade (which is quite an issue at TUM, where this only happens to about 1% of the candidates). His task so far has been the methodological development of the NDP method and interpretation primarily the results on lithium ion cells, in collaboration with the departments of chemistry - a subject which is the subject also of his todays’ webinar lecture.